Our attorney draws on his 15+ years of criminal defense experience to find relevant topics for his regular blog posts. We invite you to follow our blog to learn about your rights when you have been arrested, as well as when you have grounds to file an injury claim after an accident. Even if you are not facing these legal situations currently, this information may come in handy one day.
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Is a Domestic Violence Charge Bailable in Florida?If you've been charged with domestic assault and battery in Palm Beach Gardens, In this blog, learn how to get out of jail after a domestic violence arrest.
What is Resisting Arrest Without Violence in Florida?In Palm Beach Gardens, resisting an officer is a crime that comes with increased penalties for those who violently oppose officers carrying out duties.
Man with Suspended License Appears in Zoom Court Hearing While DrivingViral video: Man joins Zoom court from moving car! Irony: Virtual trial for suspended license while driving.
What to Do if You are Arrested for Drug Possession in FL?Whether you're arrested in FL for marijuana, heroin, LSD, cocaine, or even methamphetamine, you can be facing serious jail time.
What Is Florida Senate Bill 1046 and How Does It Affect Your Mugshot?In June 2021, Gov. Ron DeSantis signed SB 1046, requiring mugshot publishers to remove photos upon request. SB 1046 effective from 10/1/2021.
The Difference Between Domestic Battery and Domestic ViolenceDomestic violence under Palm Beach Gardens law: assault, battery, stalking, false imprisonment, or criminal acts causing harm in family or household.
How Likely Is Jail Time for a First DUI Offense?Explore Palm Beach Gardens DUI penalties: No mandatory jail on 1st offense. Stay updated on evolving DUI laws.
Is a DUI Public Record in Florida?As with any criminal offense in Florida, every arrest, including court dates, is a public record and easily accessible by anyone.
Can a Domestic Violence Victim Have the Charges Dropped in Florida?In Palm Beach Gardens, can domestic violence victims drop charges against alleged abusers? Explore your options.
What Evidence Can Be Used Against Me In a Florida DUI Search & Seizure?You have the right to be free from unreasonable search and seizure. This is what can be used against you in a Palm Beach Gardens DUI search and seizure.