woman committing petit theft in Palm Beach Gardens | Florida criminal defense lawyerJust as we're taught as kids, stealing is never a good thing to do. Whether you think it's minor and insignificant or are doing it maliciously, all types of theft can result in jail time. And while some crimes of theft are more problematic than others, petit theft can also land you in hot water.

In the guide below, we take a look at petit theft, and why it's important to hire representation if you're charged with it.

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Petit Theft in Florida Can Still Land You in Jail

Petit theft (also known as petty theft) is theft in which stolen property is valued under $100 and the victim is not a merchant or retail store. This is typically a second-degree misdemeanor charge. However, if you have a prior conviction, this will increase the severity of charges and the level of punishment. Jail time and fines up to $500 are possible.

If the value of stolen property is over $100 but less than $300, it is a first-degree misdemeanor offense. If convicted, an offender faces up to one year in jail and possible fines of up to $1000.

Do You Need a Lawyer for Misdemeanor Charges?

While the term misdemeanor may sound innocent enough, these charges can still carry some weight. In the video below, Palm Beach Gardens criminal defense attorney Matthew Konecky explains why you should always hire representation if going to court for petit theft.

How The Law Offices of Matthew Konecky Can Defend Petit Theft Charges in Palm Beach Gardens

As your Palm Beach Gardens defense lawyer, some viable defenses to petit theft charges include:

  • Mistaken accusations
  • Mistaken identity
  • Poor or no video footage of alleged petit theft
  • False accusations
  • Customer is mistaken as leaving the store

Contact Our Palm Beach Gardens Defense Attorney for a Consultation

If you have been charged with petit theft, you must immediately contact a defense attorney with theft experience. A conviction can result in up to one year in jail and stain your record. Your future is at stake. As an experienced criminal defense lawyer, I can help you get your charges reduced or your case dismissed. I will review your case's unique set of facts and determine the best strategy.

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Please don’t wait until it is too late. Your freedom and livelihood are at stake. Click the button above or call 561.671.5995 to schedule a consultation so we can build the best defense strategy for your case. We have extensive knowledge and experience. You will receive our dedicated attention to your situation to ensure justice is served.