Rear-end car accident | Palm Beach Garden car accident lawyer

Have you noticed that your insurance is paying for your bills when you were not at fault in an automotive accident? If you're a Florida resident and you own an automobile, you are required to purchase Personal Injury Protection benefits. This insurance covers your own injuries in the result of an automobile accident. It is mandatory in Florida and mandated that your insurance pays first. Florida is only one of the few states that requires PIP insurance. With PIP insurance, 80% of each medical bill is paid up to $10,000. 

Will My Rates Increase?

Under Florida statutes 626.9541(o)3a, companies are prohibited to raise your rates for anything that you are not substantially at fault for. If somebody else is responsible for an accident and you are declared not at fault, your insurance companies cannot raise your rates, even if you make a PIP claim.   

What Happens when my PIP Benefits Run Out?

If you maximize your $10,000 benefit, you can make a claim for anything over and your co-insurance of 20% against the other driver. In addition, you can also make a claim for bodily injury and past and future pain and suffering, and future medical bills against the other drivers bodily injury policy. 

Want to know more about your car accident claim? Download my FREE guide 'What the Heck Is My Personal Injury Case Worth?' available on our website. 


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