Woman wearing face mask looking out window | Palm Beach Gardens domestic violence defense lawyer

Covid-19 is all anyone has talked about over the last two months.   It seems like there is no other news.  There have been some positive affects of nationwide shelter in place orders.  One of those benefits is that crime is down. However, this article from the New York Times details that not all crime is down.  Domestic violence is on the rise, by 5% says this Economist article.    

Many are scared that there is not a recourse for those who are the victims.  There is mass confusion if the courts are open to hear domestic violence case.   Domestic Violence petition hearings are considered an essential hearing and someone who is in need of an injunction can seek one in any courthouse.    For more information about what court hearings are being held, check out our Covid-19 dedicated page here.  

If you are a victim of domestic violence, or if you are a Defendant of domestic violence, we have a complete resource guide for you available for download.  Lastly, if your loved one has been arrested for domestic violence or any crime you can get a copy of my book "My loved one has been arrested, What's Next?".

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