florida courthouse | Florida criminal defense lawyer

The Courts are essentially closed except for "Essential Court Hearings".

What Are Essential Court Hearings

Essential hearings are considered first appearance; criminal arraignments as necessary; hearings on motions to set or modify monetary bail for individuals who are in custody; juvenile dependency shelter hearings; juvenile delinquency detention hearings; hearings on petitions for temporary injunctions relating to – 3 – safety of an individual; hearings on petitions for risk protection orders; hearings on petitions for the appointment of an emergency temporary guardian; hearings to determine whether an individual should be involuntarily committed under the Baker Act or the Marchman Act; and hearings on petitions for extraordinary writs as necessary to protect constitutional rights.

Need For Action

Before this pandemic gets worse, or even penetrates the jail system, do what you can to help your loved one get released from jail while their case is pending. Retain an experienced criminal defense attorney to help your loved one. You can receive a FREE copy of my book “My Loved One has Been Arrested, What’s Next?” by clicking here.

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